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Keeping "Shanghai" together and fighting the epidemic together - Mercury Home Textiles donated 10,000 sets of protective clothing to Shanghai Charity Foundation

In the good season of early spring in March, the new crown epidemic broke out in Shanghai, which immediately affected the hearts of all sectors of society and the people of the whole country. Mercury Home Textiles, as a national brand that grew up in Shanghai, is also concerned about the epidemic, and responded quickly to deploy materials as soon as possible. Recently, it has donated 5,000 and 13,440 sets of protection to Xidu Street, Fengxian District, Shanghai, and Shanghai Charity Foundation. Serving and helping countless volunteers who are fighting on the front line.

As an old-fashioned domestic product enterprise established for more than 30 years, Mercury Home Textiles has never forgotten its original intention for many years, taking protecting the healthy sleep of Chinese people as its own responsibility, and taking more social responsibilities as its goal. At the beginning of the 2020 new crown epidemic, Mercury Home Textiles actively responded to the government's call. Entrusted by the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, 10 temporary protective clothing production lines were urgently established within 4 days to contribute to the front-line epidemic prevention and control work. Therefore, it was commended by Shanghai Fengxian District Federation of Industry and Commerce (General Chamber of Commerce) and won the honorary title of "Advanced Unit in Fighting against the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic".

Love, gratitude and responsibility are the imprints engraved in the DNA of Mercury Home Textiles since its establishment. The founder of Mercury Home Textiles once said: He has a simple dream, that is, to let everyone feel the love and warmth of home. The epidemic is ruthless and people are affectionate. Mercury Home Textiles will continue to contribute its modest efforts to guard "Shanghai" with all the anti-epidemic braves who are fighting on the front line, fight the epidemic with one heart, and bring them more love and warmth. We also believe that with united will, the haze of the epidemic will dissipate, and the spring sunshine will surely spread over the earth!

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