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The 2021 Mercury Home Textiles Autumn and Winter Good Quilt Conference ended successfully, and Mercury Home Textiles opened a new chapter for the brand

On July 3rd, the 2021 Mercury Home Textiles Autumn and Winter Good Quilt Core Conference ended successfully in Kunshan, which made a new continuation and interpretation for the Mercury Home Textiles Quilt Core Strategy.

On the day of the event, Mercury Home Textiles, together with the China Home Textiles Association and the China Sleep Research Association, jointly released the "2021 China Quilt White Paper", which provided in-depth insights and analysis on the sleep conditions and potential problems of the people. Guided by the research data and conclusions of the "White Paper", it has launched a domestic home textile product matrix with quilt core as the core and featuring "Chinese velvet · Zunyi red", providing services for Chinese people in different regions, different consumer groups and different age groups. A complete sleep program.

The "Chinese velvet" series of duvets unveiled at this conference is the most eye-catching is the "Dunhuang co-branded goose down quilt" full of national aesthetics and down content of 95%, bringing consumers a warm sleep. Experience colleagues, carry forward the national culture, and reproduce the style of the national tide.

The main series of silk quilts this time is the mulberry filament from Zunyi area, which is handcrafted with ingenuity. Zunyi City, located in the Wuling Mountains, is a natural green sericulture base with abundant rainfall and abundant heat; the sericulture farmers there have rich experience in sericulture. The right place and the right place and the right people together create the "Zunyi Red" series of 7 good silk quilts.

Awati County, located in Xinjiang, China, has more than 3,000 hours of sunshine throughout the year, and the natural weakly alkaline soil is suitable for cotton growth. Since Mercury Home Textiles signed a cooperation framework agreement with the People's Government of Avati County in 2020, Avati's high-quality long-staple cotton quilts have been widely used in Mercury Home Textiles products. While the product quality has been further improved, it has also allowed more consumers Learn about Avati Long Staple Cotton and endorse Avati Long Staple Cotton.

With the national trend in recent years, more and more excellent national brands and domestic products have attracted the attention and favor of consumers. On the 2021 China Brand Day that just passed, a series of activities were held around the permanent theme of "Shared Chinese Brands in the World" and the annual theme of "Leading New Consumption with Double Circulation and Concentration", aiming to further consolidate the social consensus on brand development and effectively promote the Brand building leads to high-quality economic development. In the textile industry sub-forum, Li Yulu, chairman of Mercury Home Textiles, took "Innovative Quality Manufacturing, Cultural Inheritance - Mercury Home Textiles Brand Building and Product Strategy Sharing" as the topic. ” vividly explained the brand strategy. This product launch with the theme of "China Velvet · Zunyi Red" is not only the consistent brand strategy of Mercury Home Textiles on the one hand, but also the continuation and sublimation of the product strategy of "Mercury with a good quilt core". It is expected that Mercury Home Textiles will take one step at a time on the road of brand products, and go further and further, bringing high-quality sleep to more Chinese families.

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