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Mercury Home Textiles co-branded Dunhuang Museum, the national tide was at that time

Recently, Mercury Home Textiles held a joint cooperation signing ceremony with Dunhuang Museum at the spring and summer conference, and launched a series of home textile products with elements of national style, which have attracted much attention and praise.

Cultural creativity is mentioned in the "Cultural Industry Development Plan of the Ministry of Culture during the 13th Five-Year Plan Period" issued by the Ministry of Culture and the "Opinions on Implementing the Project of Inheritance and Development of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture" issued by the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council. industry-related goals. The policy points out that it is necessary to take cultural creativity as the guide to enhance the originality of cultural content and promote the development of the cultural industry.

Initially, Guochao was a design that combined traditional Chinese ethnic elements, with strong color elements based on dragons, phoenixes, and ethnic minority decorations. However, with the increase of product categories and the rise of young groups, Guochao began to integrate traditional aesthetics with modern design art, and even reviewed childhood through nostalgic design. The National Trend Home Textiles jointly launched by Mercury Home Textiles and Dunhuang Museum is the product of the fusion of traditional aesthetics and modern design art.

As we all know, Dunhuang was not only an important "transit station" on the ancient land Silk Road, a "crossroads" for the exchange of Eastern and Western civilizations, but also the desert scenery that countless literati longed for. Therefore, the Mercury Home Textiles Dunhuang Museum's co-branded series of products take the Dunhuang Silk Road exploration spirit and the desert sand sea as the design theme, implying the attitude of freedom of personality and the courage to explore, and encouraging young people to pursue their dreams freely.

At the same time, Dunhuang, which has a thousand-year history and culture, has also nurtured countless beautiful murals and color arts, many of which are the embodiment of auspiciousness and beauty. The four series of new products launched by Mercury Home Textiles this time combine ancient art with young fashion. The colors of Dunhuang murals, nine-color deer, bergamot and other elements are used as design inspirations, which imply colorful and happy life. The bergamot, which symbolizes infinite energy, acts as the protagonist of the bergamot lucky series, bringing good luck, wealth and blessings to everyone.

The tide of home textiles is rising, and the national tide is at that time. As the leader of domestic home textile brands, Mercury Home Textiles has become more and more active in the marketing arena in recent years. The "Dream Link" Dunhuang Museum of Mercury Home Textiles combines home textiles with national tide culture, which is not only a communication with consumers, but also the inheritance of national quintessence culture. It is believed that Mercury Home Textiles will continue to bring rich and unique high-quality bedding to consumers.

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